How gun violence affects our people in our community

I hate that gun violence prevents me from going places by myself. My mom is always scared. I hate that kids can’t truly have fun other than going out with their families. Gun violence creates a big toll on the new generation childhood. Like back in the day when my mom was a kid, she told me that when she was little there was barley and gun violence in her neighborhood. And that Image result for how gun violence affects us in our communityshe used to go out with her friends all the time. The times will never be the same as before; at this point no one is safe to go outside for a walk or anything really. Because at any time and at any place anyone can be shot, injured, or even killed. When you’re out and about in the streets, take this advice: look at your surroundings and pay attention (as my mom always says).

No To The Guns

Take the guns off the streets,

We have no need for them,

Guns are just a excuse to get to crime,

Guns are made for protection not for someone to get shot cause of a dime,

There’s no need for crime in these streets,


All I can ask for is,

guns down,guns down,

We don’t need them,

Gun down,guns down,

there’s no use for them,


We have the cops to protect us,

But you never know they can switch us on us,

They can also be a thearth too,

They can make u feel that they can’t be trust,

That’s probably most of the reasons no one gives a damn,


All I can ask for is,

guns down,guns down,

We don’t need them,

Gun down,guns down,

there’s no use for them,

We need a better future for ourselves,

We need a better future for our kid,

Shot if we don’t do this is there any chance of a future,


Look to be honest with you guys we have our first,

Do we really need a tool that can can wipe out the earth,

We can be more powerful and more accountable, for our sake,

There’s more power in a fist then in a gun,

We have so much to achieve then to kill one.

The inspiration of my piece from families in the world that lost some one.To something so heart broken which is gun violence.People are dying because of it and no one is doing anything to stop it.The pain and hate of gun violence inspired me to write this song to those in need of hope.

What do you think are the most important issues to address regarding gun violence?

The most important issue regarding gun violence in this country is that there are too many people dying from gun violence.Based on the amount of people dying from gun violence, according to the text of “Newsela” it gives a statistic, “A gunman…..He killed 50 people.Another 53 were wounded.”This is important because it proves that at one event 103 people suffered at the Orlando shooting, so maybe in more than one it can be thousands of people hurt or even killed.Another point made in “Newsela” is, “About 55 million black people experienced a lot of hate crime in 2015.” This is important because it because it states that all hate leads up to more violence which is gun violence.In this world their is way too many people dying from gun violence.Image result for guns posters