Come Stop this Maddness

Gangs and blood everywhere

People hiding behind their doors in fear,

Gangs everywhere running and shooting everyone

They see on there territory

Bullets pierced with blood


With cops hiding behind the law

Nobody around to stop this madness at cause,

Come stop this madness

Help us

Come stop this madness


Children running

Running with guns

Thinking it’s fun and games

But watch when someone you love

Get shot

You feel the pain and sorrow

You get in the street with your gang

Searching running to take revenge

Take action

Taking this action won’t change nothing

Forgive and forget


Come stop this madness

Help us

Come stop this madness


We can be like Booth

Hiding in fear from getting that first kill

Afraid of what the people might do to him

Scavenging for survival

With no freedom

Forever  alone with no say


But it’s not the best way

Guns are like death penalty waiting to strike

You may try to take revenge


that pain you feel  stays with you forever

Coping with it is the best way

Shooting someone else isn’t going to help

It’s just the only way to take out your anger


This isn’t the best way work together to fix this

Find your own voice to say what you want

To fix this madness

Go to someone you really trust

Talk about it

Let your heart pour out


My inspiration was my brain because it told me to write this. And learning about 1970s and how hip hop began in the olden days. When there was gang violence going on at every corner in the blocks.

What are the most important issues regarding gun violence

The most important issue regarding gun violence in this country is there are to many people dying from gun violence. Based on “Gun Violence Archive” on an average day year 2015 36 Americans were killed by guns excluding suicide. This is important because it shows that throughout one year 13,140 people are killed. Another point made in “Los Angles Times” at least 736 American children have been killed by gun fire in the year 2015. This evidence proves that now this issue people have now are affecting our kids, and deaths throughout the year. In conclusion people all over the world are suffering from gun violence and nobody is doing anything about it.